We got an irate email this past Friday from somebody who applied to the Affiliate Summit Affiliate Program.
We turned down the application, because we decided the site was not relevant.
It usually ends there, but in this case, the interested affiliate turned out to be somebody who is going to be a speaker at Affiliate Summit East 2013.
And recently I encouraged speakers to apply to the affiliate program, so they could make some money promoting their upcoming speaking role.
In this case, the affiliate had just the one site listed in his profile.
We figured out the confusion and peace was restored, and he was accepted into the affiliate program, but too often affiliates run the risk of being rejected, because of the site(s) they do and do not list in their profile.
Had there been multiple sites, we either would have made a different decision or contacted the affiliate to ask which URL we should be reviewing.
Our affiliate program is on ShareASale, and affiliates can list additional sites in their profile, as I have done in the example below.
So go and check all of your affiliate profiles and ensure that you’ve got the most up to date information in there.
Don’t let outdated profiles hold you back from doing more business.