It’s that time again… starting up a new site. But this will be a different sort of site, because I’m doing it with my wife, and it’s going to be monetized by affiliate ads, Google AdSense, and recurring charges for directory listings.
I’m pulling all of the pieces together right now, so if you’re a designer or you know one, I’m running a contest through The Perfect Design with a $300 prize.
The contest is open through this coming Thursday – submit an entry or tell a friend.
In years past, I used a software called phpMyDirectory for a directory site, but it was clumsy and limited for what I was trying to do.
This time around, I am using a premium theme called DirectoryPress, and I’m impressed by the flexibility and ease of use.
Plus, I submitted a couple support tickets over the weekend and they were promptly addressed. Good sign.
Stay tuned for more details.