Affiliates were asked “Do you currently work from home or commute to an office?” for the 2012 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report.
The majority of affiliate marketers, at 55.7%, work from home all the time.
26.1% of affiliate marketers are commuting to an office. And then 18.2% work from home and an office, depending on the day.
I fall into the last category, as I have an office for when I need to get out of the house and concentrate.
I’ve been working from home since 2004, and this is the first year I’ve had an office outside of the house, too. Productivity was taking a hit when kids were off school for breaks, holidays, etc., so I’ve found it well worth the investment.
Over fourteen-hundred affiliates were surveyed on their methods, preferences, and strategies for the 2012 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report.
More details on AffStat at