Affiliate Summit is repeating the speaker selection process we began for Affiliate Summit East 2010 where folks registered for the conference have a vote on the session topics.
We’ve posted the speaker proposals we’ve received and need your help.
The speaker proposals have been pared down to the titles, speakers, descriptions, and classifications (experience level, target audience, and main subject).
You can vote for submissions you’d like to see at Affiliate Summit West 2011 by clicking the up arrow next to the proposed session. You may vote for as many sessions as you’d like. And if there is a topic you don’t like, you can vote it down.
Voting will be open through Friday, October 8, 2010.
Create an account now at and start voting if you are registered (or will be registering) for Affiliate Summit West 2011.
Speakers for Affiliate Summit will be chosen based on the combined votes from the public, votes from the Affiliate Summit Advisory Board, and feedback received on past speakers.
Please note: all speaker prospects were given strict session title and description character/word limit guidelines and signed off that all spelling and grammar was accurate. If the submissions went over their alloted limitations, they were cut short and replaced with “…”
Vote now!