The seventh issue of FeedFront, the official magazine of Affiliate Summit, is at the printer and it will be hitting mailboxes in late July and early August 2009.
Issue seven will also be distributed at Affiliate Summit East 2009 in New York City next month.
The cover story is an interview with Lauren (aka Turbolapp on WickedFire) on doing her affiliate work on a treadmill desk, as well as articles by Chris Brogan, Will Martin-Gill, Mari Smith, and Ted Murphy.
Plus, there are also pictures of affiliate workspaces, profiles of affiliate fatbloggers, and the program for Affiliate Summit East 2009.
Issue 7 of FeedFront can now be viewed online, downloaded, and printed from Scribd.
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Also, become a fan of FeedFront on Facebook to see past issues, covers, etc.