The sixteenth issue of FeedFront, the official magazine of Affiliate Summit, is at the printer and it will be hitting mailboxes in late October and early November 2011.
Issue sixteen of FeedFront will also be distributed at Affiliate Summit Meetups.
This issue of FeedFront Magazine includes Turn Your Job into a Vacation by Shawn Collins, Avoiding Trademark Pitfalls in Affiliate Marketing by Wade Tonkin, Writing an Effective Internet Marketing Plan by Sarah Bundy, and 5 SEO Moves for More Traffic by Aliza Earnshaw.
Also enhancing your search results with microformats, email compliance, PPC policies, an Affiliate Summit East 2011 recap, podcasting, mobile, working in the Canadian market, seasonality, Google Panda, and more.
Issue 16 of FeedFront Magazine can now be viewed online, downloaded, and printed from Scribd.
That’s Wil Reynolds of SEER Interactive on the cover as he delivers his keynote at Affiliate Summit East 2011.
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Also, become a fan of FeedFront on Facebook to see past issues, covers, etc.