Yesterday was day zero of Affiliate Summit West 2012, where we were hustling around behind the scenes to get things set, and a great many of the attendees arrived in Las Vegas.
The exhibit hall was being built out on Saturday, so exhibitors can move in today.
Attendees were also able to pick up their badges yesterday, and if you didn’t do it this time, you should definitely go to the check-in the night before at the next Affiliate Summit to avoid the lines and get familiar with the conference area.
I had a bit of a surprise as I walked down the hallway near the conference area on Saturday – President Clinton was strolling down the hall with his people.
For a second, I was going to grab my camera for a picture, but figured the secret service agents wouldn’t be crazy about seeing a guy quickly reach down and point something at the President.
Who knows, you might see him today at the event taking place near Affiliate Summit in Caesars Palace.
Check out the agenda for Affiliate Summit West 2012 and have a great day!