Early bird pricing for Affiliate Summit East 2012, taking place August 12-14, 2012 in New York City, ends May 11, 2012.

Affiliate Summit East 2012
The Early Bird registration rates for the Networking Pass ($99), Networking Plus Pass ($279), VIP Pass ($879), and All Access Pass ($1,879) are going up after May 11, 2012.
Starting May 12, 2012, the rates to register for Affiliate Summit will be Networking Pass ($249), Networking Plus Pass ($549), VIP Pass ($1,249), and All Access Pass ($2,249).
For a description of the available pass types see registration options for Affiliate Summit East 2012.
Some Affiliate Summit sponsorships, booths and Meet Market tables are still available. See http://www.affiliatesummit.com/12e-exhibitors/ for details.
Rooms at the Hilton New York are available at an Affiliate Summit group rate starting at $229 a night until July 5, 2012 or the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. After that, the hotel will charge the prevailing rate.
More details at http://www.affiliatesummit.com/12e-travel/.
Register now at http://www.affiliatesummit.com/.