Q: I am just a newbie in affiliate marketing. I am one of the persons who have not earned even a cent online but dreaming of earning at least a few hundred bucks online for now. I know many affiliate programs and method is simple – Give them sales and they will give you money. But that i cannot get how to generate those sales. Please guide me.
A: I am not sure how long you have been at it, but it can take some time to see your first sale or lead as an affiliate.
I was at it for months before I made a penny.
Gradually, I figured things out. I did a lot of testing over time, and scaled up the number of sites I had.
There are a lot of ways to do it. Personally, I was just churning out a lot of original content.
But you could also use paid search, blogs, podcasts, videos, pay-per-call, etc. Any methods available for marketing online can be adapted by affiliates.
The reality is that some affiliates will figure it out fairly quick and begin generating revenue, while others never earn a cent, because they are unable to draw an audience.
Sit down and think about why people should want to visit your site – be sure you’ve got some unique value proposition for them.
And then you’ve also got to market your site. It’s an ongoing two-step process: give people a reason to go to your site, and then promote it.