I started using direct mail for affiliate recruitment and retention back in 2000, and experienced really nice ROI consistently.
So, I’ve always been curious why more affiliate marketers aren’t sending mail.
The email is excessive and essentially useless. I don’t open 90% of affiliate program and network solicitations in email based solely on the subjects. And that’s if they make it past my Spam filter.
But when I get snail mail, I’m good for a 100% open rate. That was the case when I got the following email from the Epicenter Network.
They were an exhibitor at Affiliate Summit West 2009, and part of their sponsor package was that they had the option to send direct mail piece through a third party mailing service to the Affiliate Summit attendees.
Long story short – this sort of follow-up really got my attention, and they’re one of just a few companies that bothered to do it.
What’s keeping all of you from extending your reach?