We are just about at capacity for the Tax Talk & Crab Feast, which is being hosted by Affiliate Summit and buy.at next Thursday (July 9) in Baltimore, MD at the buy.at office.
We’ll be getting together starting at 4pm for a discussion on the advertising tax legislation, the impact on affiliate marketers, and how to fight it. This issue is so vital now, and you shouldn’t miss this discussion if you’re in the area.
Also, we’ll use this time to demo the buy.at interface and answer any questions.
Afterwards, the networking runs from 5pm to 8pm with a crab feast, as well as various BBQ foods and drinks (check out the menu) on the promenade outside the buy.at offices.
And we’ll have a big box of these cool affiliate crab feast shirts.
Affiliate Summit and buy.at are covering the tab, so come on out to do some business on the Bay.
Note – this event is for affiliate marketers only. Please do not bring any guests with you. Space is limited, and the RSVP will be closed when we reach capacity.
Don’t forget to register at http://www.affiliatesummit.com/tax-talk-crab-feast/ before we fill up.