We’re nearly sold out of booths in the exhibit hall for Affiliate Summit West 2018, so if you were on the fence, now is the time to reserve your spot.
This dog isn’t actually standing by to take your call. It’s a quick and easy self-service process where you pick your spot when you book.
161 of 194 booths are gone!
The Affiliate Summit West 2018 Exhibit Hall is open on Monday, January 8 and Tuesday, January 9. The Affiliate Summit Exhibit Hall Booth Space Package includes the following:
- Exhibitor Booth Space.
- Exhibitor Passes to the event which can be used by staff or clients.
- A packet of tickets good for the Exhibitor Snack Break on Sunday and beverages.
- Ability to purchase Networking, Networking Plus or VIP passes at 25% off the prevailing rate, at the time of purchase.
- Your company description in the Exhibitor & Sponsor Guide (Subject to receipt of description by November 1, 2017).
- Your exhibitor listing located within the Affiliate Summit West 2018 networking platform including your logo, company description and link to your website.
- Exhibitor Badge Ribbons.
Affiliate Summit West 2018 is taking place January 7-9, 2018 at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel.