Are you looking for somebody with experience in IT, Internet marketing, and/or affiliate marketing?
Todd Martini, who has established a great reputation as an affiliate marketer over the years, is looking for a full-time position with health benefits for the sake of his kids, who are both facing medical issues.
You may know Todd from an advertisement that LinkShare ran about him and his site Alex’s Coupons, which was created to raise money for his daughter Alex’s medical bills from treatment for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
Here is an update from Todd on Alex, as well as his son Nicholas…
Over the past couple of months my family has experienced a number of financial and personal setbacks, but nothing as serious as what’s happening to my 12 year old daughter Alex. Alex had a grand mal seizure back in April and her overall health has taken a turn for the worse. She’s experiencing more side effects from her treatment for Leukemia including low platelets and reduced cognitive abilities. Her platelets have dropped to the point that she’ll require regular transfusions in the near future and her latest cognitive evaluation stated that she has an IQ of 78 and the emotional age of a 4-5 year old. She’s going to need full-time physical therapy, occupational therapy and behavioral therapy to get through the next few years and my insurance only covers $3000/year for all of that, and that’s after the deductible and out of pocket expenses are met. That $3000 will cover maybe 3 months of therapy if we’re lucky. In addition my 7 year old son Nicholas is having his own mental health issues and requires weekly therapy for an anxiety disorder. Between the two of them they’re currently on four medications, which I pay for out-of-pocket. I had to cancel the Prescriptions part of our health insurance when our insurance company raised the price of our insurance by over 50%. I was able to get a bare bones insurance plan for half what I was paying for the old plan, but as you can imagine it’s not a great plan. All of this would be manageable if Alex’s Coupons was still profitable, but its commissions are down 75% from two years ago.
Back to how Todd Martini can help your company. Todd worked in Corporate IT for about 9 years and he has spent the last 15 years running a Web design business and later his online couponing business by himself.
He has a unique mix of technical, marketing and communications skills (I have a BA in English), and would be an asset to companies in the Internet marketing arena.
Check out Todd Martini’s resume and give him a call or pass it on.