I noticed yesterday that the Twitter account for Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ, was a lot more active than it had been, and that the Tweets seemed real.
I’ve been following Mayor Booker’s Tweets since he started up last November, and while it was interesting to me to see where he was speaking and such, the account had the tone of a public figure that had delegated Twitter to somebody.
So it was really refreshing to see personality injected into the account in recent days.
For instance, yesterday, Cory Tweeted how he was headed to see Star Trek and invited folks in Newark to join him.
This is exciting (to me, at least) to see the emergence of the real Cory on Twitter. Back at Affiliate Summit East 2008 in Boston last summer, Missy Ward and I spoke with Cory a bit about social media, after he keynoted the conference.
Follow Mayor Booker on Twitter @corybooker