I am getting low on my metal business cards, so I figured I’d better get a bunch of new cards for Affiliate Summit West 2010.
This time around, I figured I would go with something pretty simple that fit my typical conversation during Affiliate Summit – it’s usually as I’m racing to put out some fire behind the scenes, and I don’t have time to talk, so I ask if we can chat after the conference.
The front just has my name, and the back has my email, Twitter, Facebook, and AIM contacts.
Anyhow, if you don’t have business cards on hand at Affiliate Summit, you’re blowing off opportunities. It doesn’t have to be fancy or conventional. Just provide a method for people who are interested in striking deals to reach you.
There’s still time to get business cards from lots of places. I used Vistaprint, because they’re cheap, and consistent, and they have lots of shipping options to meet pretty much any deadline.
Even if you have some, are they doing the job for you?
Ask yourself… is your business card crap? It’s not too late to get a batch of them for Affiliate Summit West 2010.