Q: I am very new to this whole realm of Affiliate Marketing and I am starting from scratch. I want to use review blogs to begin, so I am attempting a system geared toward that. I get stuck on the smallest issues and seem to spend most of my time researching and researching. Can you give it to me straight? How many ads are we talking? How many articles and how often? How many Blogs? It is my goal to work at home and Affiliate Marketing really intrigues me, but it seems I may never sleep, the way I read about “doing this and doing that”. I see lots of ways to spend money, but… do you see where I am going here? I am overwhelmed.
A: Take a breath – it’s not that bad. Just take your time and build things up the right away. Achieving long-term success as an affiliate is a marathon, not a sprint.
So I’d suggest changing your paradigm a bit, and instead of asking about how many blogs, you should work on succeeding with one blog.
There is no magic number when it comes to ads in a blog – it’s all about testing to determine what works with a given audience and the tolerance of that audience to ads.
Before you can build the big revenue that you want as an affiliate, you’ve got to create compelling content and establish an audience for your blog.
Pick up a copy of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Growing Your Business with Google by Dave Taylor and pay close attention to what this guy has to say.
Three steps: generate quality content, drive traffic, and test the effectiveness of placement and number of ads.