Blogads recently conducted a reader survey for blog advertising, and there is some really interesting stuff in there.
The data in the Blogads survey is based on responses from a whopping 30,079 blog readers.
Interestingly, the age of blog readers is increasing. Last year, 61% of responding blog readers were over 30 years old. This year, 75% are over 30 years old.
The income increased gradually for blog readers. Last year, 40% had family incomes greater than $90,000. This year, 43% exceed that figure.
As far as some more specific demographics, 1.7% of blog readers surveyed are CEOs.
The majority of blog readers purchased books, electronics, music and software online, which is certainly a good indication that the blog audience is willing to open their wallets to respond to advertising.
The gender gap is closing slowly. Last year, 79% of the blog readers were men. This year, 75% are men.
I think those numbers will be a whole lot more equal in the next year with the attention blogs are getting from the mainstream (a blogger just recently got a press pass to the White House!).
Surprisingly, nearly three-quarters of people responding to the survey never read blogs via RSS, or at least they do not realize it.
Personally, if they subscribe to my blogs via MyYahoo! or a similar tool, I would consider them to be reading via RSS, but maybe they don’t see it that way?
See the complete results at