I was doing a periodic check of who is bidding on certain phrases unique to me the other day and noticed that search results for affiliatesummit and affiliatetip were displaying the following ad in Google:
My affiliate program makes
millionaires. The rest are useless.
I’ve been reading about The Rich Jerk in forums, and his/her bidding on my names got me curious.
I read through the copy on The Rich Jerk site and found it a little entertaining that this character was employing a strategy of insulting potential customers and affiliates.
Apparently, being a foul mouthed tout is lucrative. The affiliate program for The Rich Jerk e-book on ClickBank is ranked #1 in the Money and Employment category.
The whole premise of The Rich Jerk is that the author “has made over $13 million dollars online in the past 6 years, mostly as an affiliate marketer.”
And they are willing to impart their hard gained knowledge to you if you buy The Rich Jerk e-book for $97, but do it quick, because the price could go to $197 at any time.
The site for The Rich Jerk is one of those mile long sales letters, complete with highlighted words and testimonials. I don’t know who is falling for those things, but all of the “gurus” use them, so they must be working well.
Anyhow, despite the over the top claims, the annoying sales letter, and my better judgment, I went ahead and purchased The Rich Jerk.
It’s a quick read of about 40 pages, and it has some good information. Nothing new there for me, but I would recommend it to anybody who is not a big reader of marketing message boards and newsletters.