Khris Thayer, CEO and Co-Founder of OPTIZMO Technologies, spoke on “Sustainability, Economic Evolution, and the Compliant Affiliate” at the Affiliate Summit Austin Meetup on August 30, 2011.
Khris discussed things such as data on the impact of email, legal implications, and how affiliates can operate compliantly.
Khris’ bio:
Khris Thayer is the CEO and Co-Founder of OPTIZMO Technologies, the fastest growing Email Compliance and Campaign Management Company in Online Media. 10+ Years of Dynamic Leadership in both Entrepreneurial and Corporate Environments. Sales Management and Personal Production in the Technology Sector relative to Telecommunications, Intellectual Property/Product Development & Deployment, and Online Media. International/National Market Experience and broad contact base of valuable partnering resources. Web 2.0 Junkie and Entrepreneur!
Slides: Sustainability, Economic Evolution, & the Compliant Affiliate