Q: I just started looking into affiliate marketing (AM) a week ago, and I must say it’s pretty scary stuff. I have a look at ClickBank which is supposedly the best and user friendly for newbies like me, but the stuff they promote…….do people really buy those stuff? Or is it in affiliate marketing the products are just secondary to what the real deal is? I’m really confused now but not willing to give up yet soon. I only have 1 question for you, and your site has provided a very insideful detail on AM which I really enjoy reading and will be beneficial to AM rookies like me.
My question – Do I stand a chance to make it to where you are today as a non-US citizen in affiliate marketing? OK maybe a few notches or several notches below, nevermind about how long it’s going to take me. I have the time and I intend to make this the last leg of my money making stunt. I’m 50 now and I live and work in a little place call Singapore all my life.
A: There are many opportunities on Clickbank for affiliates, as well as a lot of other affiliate networks.
The thing you have to determine is which niche you wish to promote. Is there is certain topic that is exciting to you that you’d like to make a site around?
Otherwise, you could pick popular subjects and create sites about those areas of interest.
After you have determined the focus of your site(s), you will then seek out the relevant products or services that have affiliate programs.
If information products make sense for your audience, then Clickbank is the way to go for you. Alternately, if you think your visitors would be more interested in hard goods, such as electronics or clothing, then you will end up working with other affiliate networks.
The first step is to determine which product/service you hope to sell. After you’ve gotten started, be sure to test all the time to figure out what your audience wants.