AuctionBytes reports that the owners of an eBay drop-off store has created an offline affiliate program to build up their business.
We Sell It 4U accepts items that will sell for a value estimated over $30.00 on eBay and they charge a $10.00 minimum commission per item. Their transaction fee is $0.30 plus 2.5% of the total transaction value (sales price, shipping & handling and sales tax).
Robin Etchison, co-owner with Jim Coady of an eBay drop-off store in Maryland, is offering what amounts to an affiliate marketing program to attract business. When people refer a customer to We Sell It 4U, they will receive 3 percent of the net of any items that the client sells, including all future sales by that client. Etchison says there is no limit to the number of referrals someone can make.
In a business with tight margins, Etchison is betting on referrals to help attract quality consignors.
We Sell It 4U is independently owned and operated, and the company is not affiliated with eBay.