Q: Mobile marketing is coming on strong. Where can I find the best information to capitalize on the next new marketing front with the publisher/affiliate business model?
A: I’ve got two resources for you on mobile marketing. One is a new podcast from Peter Glaeser of Sponsormob and James Coops of mjelly called Mobile Space.
Mobile Space is on GeekCast.fm.
Also, Joel Comm, CEO of TextCastLive, gave a presentation at Affiliate Summit West 2009 called “The 100% Open Rate Solution.”
Here is a description of that session: Mobile marketing is the most direct “direct marketing”. In this session, I will demonstrate why all merchants and affiliates should, and will soon be, using mobile marketing.
You can hear the audio of that presentation at http://geekcast.fm/archives/the-100-open-rate-solution/.
In the case of both the Mobile Space podcast and Joel Comm’s presentation, you can either stream it from the computer or download it.