David Vogelpohl, CEO of Marketing Clique, talked about using Google Analytics to track conversions at the Affiliate Summit Meetup in Austin, TX on June 26, 2012.
This was the biggest crowd to date for the meetup with nearly 100 people jammed in the room.
The crowd loved hearing about using Google Analytics to track conversions like sales, leads, phone calls, opt-ins, and more, as well as using weighted goal tracking to determine the true value of online marketing campaigns.
Thanks a lot to David and everybody that came out for some lunch and shop talk.
About David
David Vogelpohl is the founder and CEO of Marketing Clique, an agency which helps clients build websites, develop mobile apps and market their service online. David has nearly 15 years of online marketing experience, including managing and promoting complex affiliate programs across a variety of platforms.
Presentation: Mastering ROI with Google Analytics