Performance based ad network MarketLeverage has outfitted themselves nicely in gear.
GeekCast is the latest site to be featured by the MarketLeverage fashion brigade. Previous recipients of their t-shirt Valentines have been ProBlogger, ShoeMoney, and
Also, Jim Kukral just blogged about their keen marketing efforts – the MarketLeverage folks are making an effort to stand out and it’s working.
I especially like what they are doing with MarketLeverage TV.
In appreciation for their support of GeekCast, I’ll give them a little plug…
Market Leverage, a leading performance based advertising network, is one of the most trusted names in affiliate marketing. Our philosophy is simple: to provide publishers and advertisers with effective online media solutions built on accuracy, accountability and above all, integrity.
One thing is certain from their team picture, Market Leverage is the best dressed network.