Q: Is it still possible to make money today as an affiliate marketer, or is it harder to make money with Google axing the thin AdSense sites? Also, what are the top niche sites to look at if I was starting in affiliate marketing today? I see posts about making sites based on my interests, but I don’t know if my interests will make me any money. So I’d like to create specialty sites to serve as funnels for lead gen offers. How do I get started?
A: I guess there are a couple different schools of thought here. There are mercenaries who will use products like Google Trends and WordTracker to identify the most valuable keywords and niches to focus on.
Personally, I don’t advocate that approach. Rather, I think you should promote areas that you like… topics that you love.
The reason being that there is a greater chance you’ll stay with it longer and have passion for it.
If you are going to go with trends, they change day to day, so it will require constant research and tweaking.
You might also want to check out AffSpy to find the best offers.