I don’t always sleep as much as I would like at night. No matter what time I go to sleep, I just seem to spring out of bed early (sometimes before 5) in the morning.
This is great for early productivity, but then there is a late morning or early afternoon crash, and that is no good.
I typically medicate myself with Diet Dr. Pepper and coffee to push on through, but some days I just need a nap, and I take it.
Yeah, I know that lots of people take pride in never sleeping and grinding all day and night with their work. They can have it. I like to nap. I like it a lot.
Those times when you’re feeling foggy and just not producing stuff. Get out of your chair and into bed.
It helps your creative thinking, productivity, and health.
OK, that’s my blog post for the day. Now I am off for a nap.