Back in November 2005, Lee Gientke, ProHealth affiliate manager, wrote a guest blog at GoYaMi on his recent transition from Commission Junction to LinkShare.
The initial blog posting had Lee elated over his migration to LinkShare:
Now that we are live at LinkShare, I can only say how great things are. LinkShare’s reporting is fast and doesn’t time out. Having access to my affiliate’s real names, phone numbers and addresses has allowed me to provide them with the assistance they need to perform at peak levels. Being able to directly communicate with my partners ultimately equals a more lucrative relationship for both parties and I don’t know an affiliate that isn’t happiest when they are making more money.
Since then, lots of folks have been curious about how things are going. Is the honeymoon over or does Lee still have eyes for LinkShare?
Adam Viener posted an update of the ProHealth transition to LinkShare, and it sounds like things are going swimmingly.
According to Lee, his number of affiliates with orders has tripled, there was a minimal revenue drop during migration, and sales continue to improve.
He also gave big kudos to the reporting, access to contact information, and his account rep. See the complete update at