Q: What paperwork and agreements does one need to legitimize their business as an outsourced affiliate marketing manager? Companies in the same industry, I’m sure, are going to want some sort of agreement that we are not going to resell or use the affiliate names or contracts for yourself or other companies.
A: As far as legitimizing yourself as an Outsourced Affiliate Program Manager, or OPM for short, the contracts you reference are just basic business contracts.
Just speak with your lawyer and ask them to include clauses that touch on issues like restrictions against working with other companies from the same vertical.
Beyond that item, in order to legitimize your business, I’d say the best way to do it is to have a track record.
You’ve got to put in the time to earn a good reputation. There aren’t any shortcuts. You need to put in hard work and exhibit loyalty to your customers and clients.
You cannot just write a document to earn legitimacy.