A couple years back, I was in negotiations to write a book with a big publisher on affiliate marketing, and I was excited about it.
However, things fell apart when it came to the direction of the book.
I wanted to give a real and honest picture of the opportunities – how most people don’t make much at all, and that it requires lots of time, testing, and patience.
The big publisher wanted a “get rich quick” book. Since that premise is horseshit, I walked away.
But I had already written an outline for what I wanted to do, and I figured I would write it up anyway to combat the “get rich quick” propaganda.
I went through my own process of coming up with affiliate sites, creating content, driving traffic, and monetizing the content.
I blogged it step-by-step at ExtraMoneyAnswer.com, and now it’s available for just $1.99 on Amazon.
Get Extra Money Answer on Kindle.
If you have Amazon Prime, you can get it for free.
I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a review on Amazon if you read it.