I just came across a posting from Wade Tonkin where he was annoyed by some spam he received with the subject: Complimentary Affiliate Tracking Software from AffiliateTraction…
Then I saw a thread where many affiliate managers were saying they got anywhere from one to six copies of the same e-mail from AffiliateTraction.
I was wondering why I had the good fortune to avoid receiving the unsolicited commercial e-mail, but then I checked my spam folder, and I wasn’t forgotten after all.
I received three copies of the exciting offer to get their affiliate network software for free. It regularly carries a retail value of $4,995 according to the e-mail, but if I was one of the first ten callers, I could score the free deal.
Unfortunately, the e-mails from Thelo Aiken [emailmarketing@affiliatetraction.com] showed up in my spam folder last night, so it’s likely all of the free software is gone. The e-mail urged me to take action because “Licenses will likely be claimed within hours so call now!”
And there was no way to unsubscribe from this list.
But wait, it gets worse. The same three addresses that received the affiliate software offer also got the inaugural issue of “Partner Chronicles Newsletter Issue 1” from Affiliate Newsletter [emailmarketing@nettraction.com].
Again, no way to unsubscribe for any of my addresses that received it.
However, I am comforted that these folks take spam prevention seriously. According to their page on affiliate management services they offer:
We have developed systems to deal with Fraud & SPAM offenders; we also have a large data base of past offenders. Lead, sales and credit card fraud can and does happen. NetTraction.com will save you the time and hassle of these tasks so you can focus on building your business.
Looks like it’s time for you guys to leverage those systems you’ve developed to deal with your internal spam offenders. Seriously!