I got my first job at 15 as a dishwasher at a Friendly’s restaurant. It was an unpleasant job that paid the minimum wage at the time: $3.35.
But I needed the money and it was the best I could get. I even lied about my age to score that sweet gig, because I had time and energy, but no skills.
Has the statute of limitations passed for falsifying documents in the state of Maryland?
Anyhow, I was reading in the July/August issue of Inc. Magazine that 48.9% of Americans aged 16 to 24 had summer jobs in 2010. That’s the lowest since record keeping began in 1948, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Assuming this is due to a lack of jobs, and not a bunch of lazy deadbeats, it seems like we’ve got a generation of future affiliate marketers in the wings.
My oldest daughter is only 12, but I’m teaching her how to start and monetize a site with my step by step instruction on the site, Extra Money Answer.
She just finished chapter 3 and bought her first domain. She is on her way to developing skills and making her own job.
No way she’s going to be in the more than 50% of kids without a summer job in 4 years.