Sam Harrelson of Cost Per News has created a new blog tag virus thing where he’s asking people to share the business cards they are going to use at Affiliate Summit next week.
It’s timely in that if you who haven’t gotten a whole bunch of business cards set aside for Affiliate Summit, you’d better act on it now. Lots of places can still get them with quick turnaround – iPrint, Vista Print, your local print shop, etc.
Anyhow, Sam explains how he makes a custom business card for every person he meets.
My horrible handwriting would never stand up to that sort of effort, so I’ve gone in a bit of a different direction, and I’m doing an experiment of sorts with my cards.
The are modeled after a football card with a big picture, name and stuff on the front and then some details on the back.
I got these from the Cubicle Card Company. While they cost more than typical business cards, I love them because they look and feel like football cards. I used some back in 2004 and a lot of people have told me they still have that one pinned up at their desk.
Anyhow, mine was focused on my past experience and then my colleague, Amy Rodriguez, has one that is more focused on her personality.
I’m curious to see if there is a different reaction from people when they receive the two approaches.
Maybe Amy’s “style” of throwing a football without having her hand on the laces(!) can even be a conversation starter. Forgive her, she’s a Redskins fan.
Since Sam made this a virus, here are three people I’ll sneeze it on over to share their business card strategy:
Marty M. Fahncke
Scott Jangro
Vinny Lingham