You like a little agitated, how about taking a break and coloring for a few minutes to chill out? Good news, Affiliate Summit has a coloring book for you.

Put down your serious work and color with Affiliate Summit
The Affiliate Summit Coloring Book is free to download and print – you just need to bring your colored pencils or crayons to the table and you’re in business.
This seems a little random, right? Well, we are performance marketers, too, and sometimes you just want to color.
Maybe it’s when you need something else to do while you are on conference calls, during a long flight, or after dealing with some stressful nonsense.
There doesn’t even have to be a reason. Your brain wants a break here and there, and coloring inside or outside the lines just feels right.
So drop your serious stuff and enjoy yourself for a bit.
The Affiliate Summit Coloring Book is also available to download, print, and share from Pinterest, SlideShare and Issuu.
Please tag us on social media (Facebook / Instagram / Twitter) if you post your masterpieces!