I just wanted to share some tips on how to listen to podcasts. Personally, I use iTunes to automatically download the podcasts I like and list on my iPod Touch.
I know a lot of people think you need an iPhone or iPod to get podcasts through iTunes, but the software is free to download for anybody, so you can subscribe to podcasts and stream them from your computer.
Also, many sites with podcasts have the option to stream the audio right from the site. We have that on GeekCast.fm for all of the affiliate, search, mobile, branding, and other marketing and geek podcasts on there.
You can also download podcasts to play from a media player on your computer or any MP3 player.
Also, I often hear people say they don’t have time for podcasts. The thing is that you down have to carve out new time. Just optimize time you’re stuck in places like planes, trains, commuting by car, etc.
Other times I listen to podcasts are when working out, playing video games and doing stuff outside, like shoveling snow or cleaning up the yard.
It’s a great way to keep up on industry news and get ideas while your head is otherwise idle.