Issue 35 of FeedFront is headed to the printer and subscribers will be getting their copies in the coming weeks.
Issue 35 of FeedFront will also be distributed at Affiliate Summit East 2016.
This issue of FeedFront Magazine includes Is Wanderlust in Your DNA? by Missy Ward, Affiliates: Track These Metrics to Increase Profits by Eric Nagel, Mentally Breaking Down Your Hustle by Priest Willis, Sr., and the agenda to Affiliate Summit East 2016.
Also, there is coverage on blogger recruitment, cross device tracking, fraud, LinkedIn, Facebook lead ads, B2B affiliate programs, producing content, getting a merchant’s attention, and more.
Issue 35 of FeedFront Magazine can now be viewed online, downloaded, and printed from
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If you haven’t subscribed, you can get the magazine for free in the U.S. (sorry to everybody else, but mailing outside of the U.S. is very expensive). Also, become a fan of FeedFront on Facebook to see past issues, covers, etc.