Issue 33 of FeedFront is headed to the printer and subscribers will be getting their copies in the coming weeks.
Issue 33 of FeedFront will also be distributed at Affiliate Summit West 2016.
This issue of FeedFront Magazine includes 4 Lessons Walking Dead Can Teach Affiliates by Missy Ward (that’s why there is a zombie on the cover), 6 Rules for Evolved Adults by Shawn Collins, and No More Duck Lips or Blurry Dogs! by Michelle Held.
Also, articles on Udemy, Amazon, SEO tips, lead gen, outsourcing, dealing with customer conflicts, mobile marketing, list building, CPC email, affiliate recruitment, Affiliate Summit West 2016 agenda and speaker bios, and more.
Issue 33 of FeedFront Magazine can now be viewed online, downloaded, and printed from
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If you haven’t subscribed, you can get the magazine for free in the U.S. (sorry to everybody else, but mailing outside of the U.S. is very expensive). Also, become a fan of FeedFront on Facebook to see past issues, covers, etc.