We are pleased to announce the release of a new store generator script called DySE::InstrumentPro that is designed to display products based on the InstrumentPro.com datafeed.
InstrumentPro.com (http://www.InstrumentPro.com) offers approximately 7,000 musical instruments and accessories. InstrumentPro.com pays affiliate commissions of 7%. If these types of products are a good match for your website or if you’re planning to create a new website for these types of products, we encourage you to use our DySE::InstrumentPro script. The InstrumentPro.com affiliate program is managed by Shawn Collins who is well known and respected in the affiliate industry.
A live example website that uses DySE::InstrumentPro is http://www.EverythingInstruments.com
Use of our DySE::InstrumentPro script is free to our sub-affiliates of InstrumentPro.com (if you’re not signed up, you can do so via our sub-affiliate link). The script comes with several pre-defined template sets to save you time. And it uses our new “Dynamic Store Engine” DySE(tm) technology that provides the following benefits:
– automatically downloads datafeed from merchant.
– no HTML files to create; uses properietary database.
– store builder can be run via web browser or SSH.
– template changes appear online immediately; no rebuilding.
– builder is 5-10 times faster than our previous scripts.
– uses less disk than our previous scripts.
– no created HTML files to upload.
– uses mod_rewrite (requires linux/unix server).
– reduced learning curve; all DySE scripts work the same way.
To learn more about DySE::InstrumentPro, visit http://www.c3scripts.com/instrumentpro/
If you have any questions or problems with DySE::InstrumentPro, do not hesitate to contact us. Also, visit our discussion forum at http://www.c3scripts.com/forum
For a list of all our current scripts, visit http://www.c3scripts.com
Thank you for using our scripts.
Yours truly,
per: David Cusimano