Last year, I was poking around at BlogAds in search of some targeted blogs to place ads for affiliate recruiting.
As I was looking for some good prospects, I came upon I was thinking – this guy looks familiar – who is he?
His site jogged my memory that he was Gordie Lachance in Stand By Me, as well as one of the guys in the under-rated flick, Toy Soldiers.
Trekkies know him better as Ensign Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. But I came to know him for being a really funny, entertaining, and candid blogger.
Based on Wil’s blog, I ran out (well actually, went to Amazon) and got his autobigraphical book, Just a Geek. Great stuff – the struggles with HTML and everything else in life really resonated.
Anyhow, the audiobook version of Just a Geek is now available in pre-release. You can get it on CD or MP3 at
Why am I mentioning this on my affiliate marketing blog? Well, Wil is an affiliate. He sells his own books, plus some suggested music and videos over at WWdN ( for the uninitiated), and he’s got a CJ link to
Affiliate geeks will appreciate that Wil knows well enough to use ref=nosim to deliver his Amazon links straight to the product pages, and he uses the “hide tracking code” option on CJ.
He’s no pedestrian affiliate, for sure. He’s one of us, and I think you’ll really enjoy his audiobook. I purchased mine tonight, so I’ll be listening to him as I walk the dog tomorrow morning.