Q: I’d like to buy/acquire an established affiliate site. Do you have any places you’d recommend to do this?
A: There are two sites where a lot of buying and selling of affiliate sites takes place: Digital Point and SitePoint.
Some folks use eBay to search for affiliate sites for sale, too.
As far as determining the value of an existing affiliate site, part of the worth of a site will be the domain name. There are some third party domain appraisal services you can use to get an idea about the market value.
I would also encourage you to perform some due diligence on whether the content on the site is original.
And if they are trying to use a metric like an Alexa ranking to prove popularity of the site, don’t put too much stock in it, since it can be manipulated.
I would suggest asking to see the actual stats provided from their host to determine the most popular pages, referrers, traffic volume, etc.
Good luck.