Q: I am the product manager of a software company that develops small software utilities with sales in the range of about $5,000 to $10,000 per month. I want to know which affiliate network would suit me the best?
A: I don’t know your margins or whether these software utilities are being delivered online or as physical goods, such as a CD in the mail.
If you are just delivering your product online, you might want to use ClickBank, oneNetworkDirect, or >PayLoadz.
However, if you are shipping a physical product, there are countless options for you to consider.
There are the traditional affiliate networks, such as buy.at, Commission Junction, LinkShare, Performics, and Shareasale. These companies offers varying levels of service and features, and you’d be best served by trying them out to see which is best for you.
Also, there is a legion of CPA networks, such as Azoogle and CPA Empire. There are probably hundred of them out there and they range in the number of affiliates, unique offers, etc.
Try going a search on Google for CPA networks, as well as affiliate networks. Start making contact, and one good measure of their responsiveness is how quick they get back you you when they are trying to win your business.
If they’re not on top of things now, they’ll be worse later on.
After you hear from them, take a test drive of their interface, get a feel for the analytics, creative options, etc.
And very important – figure out which one best meets your price point.
Good luck with your choice. Let us know how it goes.