Remember push technology? For the young folks out there, it was the killer app of killer apps back in 2000 or so. The premise of push technology was delivering or pushing information directly to your desktop.
The idea was ahead of it’s time. These days we hear a lot about new tools that are going to gain more mindshare of the consumer by living on their desktop.
There have been bunches of these widgets over the years that were going to revolutionize the way we do businesses. But before the revolution could get started, the VC funding had run out.
Do I sound like a cynic? Maybe, but Q4 looks to be different. You see, this past Monday I was strolling through the exhibit hall of Ad-Tech NYC, and I came upon a product that I truly think can change behavior and become significant, both in the consumer area, as well as in affiliate marketing.
The desktop application that caught my eye was called AdTools. They bill themselves as ‘The Branded Desktop Applications Company,’ and they typically create their tools for big consumer brands like Dodge, McDonalds, and Reebok.
Their branded desktop apps (BDAs) have the ability to do a wide array of things, including various communications functions, display rich media, host embedded entertainment, and offer viral mechanisms.
So how does this apply to affiliate marketing? I see a couple of ways here. One use of this technology could be for an affiliate network to have one created to enable better and more frequent communication to affiliates.
For instance, the affiliate networks might have a desktop alert that triggers when a new commission is earned for the affiliate.
And then there could be a ticker that advises the affiliate on any network news like an upgrade or conference, as well as program specific communications about promotions ending, new coupons, etc.
How about using it as a venue to push out web services, CMS, RSS, etc. Best of all, maybe a place for affiliates to check their stats without logging in?!
Then there are opportunities for affiliates to use the technology themselves. Just as Dannon, Mattel and Warner Brothers use it to engage their target audience, so could an affiliate.
For instance, take It’s a popular price comparison shopping site with a loyal audience.
Take that audience, and give them the ability to receive an audible alert from their desktop when there is a price drop or a new coupon at their favorite e-tailer, and you’ve got some serious penetration.
You can personalize the content to the end user, as well as broadcast content to the whole base of users that have installed the tool.
Cultivate the community of the site with features like photo sharing, chat, polls, etc. In short, give them everything they love about your affiliate site, plus tons of stuff you simply can’t do at your site.
I think we are finally ready for push technology – now who is going to be the guinea pig?