Q: What is the average expiration of the cookie for tracking revenue? Is it different for email vendors vs. affiliate programs?
A: I have collected lots of data for my AffStat reports, but this is something I have not asked (expect it in my next report!). Anyhow, my guesstimate would be 30 days.
On another note, I collected information from affiliates for the AffStat 2004 Report, and one of the questions was “How many return days for cookies would you consider to be fair”?
Surprisingly, a little more than 40% wanted to see any period longer than 45 days, 45% said a range of 30-44 days, and 12% stated that 1-29 days would be fair.
As far as e-mail vendors vs. affiliate programs, I have seen varying lengths based on the product or service being sold, but not in the method in which it is being promoted.