Q: Can you please tell me how I can do analysis to determine if my affiliate program is good, and can you please give some references of the affiliate Web sites or books?
A: The caliber of your affiliate program is subjective – it depends on the category you are in. After all, there are very different metrics at play for Amazon.com than for an e-book seller. Margins, conversion rates, brand name, etc. all play a role.
In order to do competitive analysis, I would suggest setting up a real affiliate site with a domain, unique content, etc.
Then apply to the affiliate programs in your category and promote them as an affiliate. This will enable you to review the competitor’s creative, receive their communications, and get some insight into their conversion rates.
In the case of competing affiliate programs where the EPC is public, you can combine that data with your other findings to formulate snapshots of those affiliate programs.
As far as Web sites and books, have a look at affiliate marketing blogs and affiliate marketing forums for the latest information. Books are generally not up to date on the latest issues.