When it comes to making money on the Internet, content will always be king. You don’t necessarily monetize the content directly, but it’s a great tool to lure in vistors to expose them to targeted advertising.
Here’s how it works – you buy or write quality content, it gets spidered by the search engines, and then targeted traffic comes to your site.
But content doesn’t come cheap, and you’ve got to be a decent write to put out engaging content that will attract visitors. Unfortunately, in order to overcome the barrier of obtaining quality content, some creeps take a shortcut and steal the articles, reviews, etc. from other sites.
In the past, it was difficult to catch this sort of thing. But then Indigo Stream Technologies (creators of Google Alert – not affiliated with Google) made a service called Copyscape available.
Just plug in your URL at copyscape.com and you can find out who has been fleecing you (and your commissions). Take that, plagiarists!