The Affiliate Summit unConference, sponsored by SeaWorld, took place on Monday, September 27 at SeaWorld in Orlando, FL.
The day kicked off with attendees suggesting topics they’d like to speak on during informal 20-minute sessions.
We had twelve breakout sessions that focused largely on affiliate marketing, and it was fun to participate in the interactive talks.
During the day, lots of prizes were handed out, and Jeffrey Evenmo was pretty happy to take home a 32 GB iPad with 3G.
Since we were at SeaWorld, we got a visit from some of the animals from the park.
There was a beautiful Bald Eagle there, but she seemed to be giving me the evil eye.
It was a pretty toasty day outside, so some Shamu Bars delivered some sugar and cold relief in the middle of the afternoon.
Thanks a lot to Anne Fischer, Jennifer Milhausen, and everybody else at SeaWorld for a great day.
Check out the soon to launch SeaWorld Affiliate Program – coming in early 2011 on CJ.