The following is what Julianne Gentile had to say in response the the question, What is wrong with affiliate marketing and how can it be improved?
I’ve been doing this since the beginning, and with the dramatic growth the merchant/publisher relationships have suffered. There is less personal contact, more automation, and less attention to detail.
I would like to see higher standards for publishers. I am still shocked by some of the places that I see high end merchants advertised. When a company does not carefully screen their affiliates, it has a negative effect on the brand.
The average consumer that encounters browser hijacks and other unscrupulous tactics, is going to associate the bad experience with the ads flashing on their screen.
Companies that want to make the most of affiliate marketing should put more effort into getting highly qualified and motivated affiliate managers who are directly involved with their publishers.
This will result in more highly motivated publishers, higher sales, and improved branding.
How would you answer the question, What is wrong with affiliate marketing and how can it be improved? There are no right or wrong answers – just opinions that can help improve the industry.
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