The following is what John Denton of MyConnection2Wealth had to say in response the the question, What is wrong with affiliate marketing and how can it be improved?
What’s Wrong With Affiliate Marketing? Hmmmmm. Well I’ve been in the business for 6 years now and it seems to me that this business is over saturated with the same ole, same ole saying they will show you all the tricks of the trade when in fact it is the same material refabricated over and over again in various forms.
A lot of the material circulating today in fact came from good ole Corey Rudl; its just all been rewriten 🙂
I’ve read most of it in the time I have been online and have learned many things, but I think we just need some new blood in here to breath new life and new ideas.
The fact is that most people will never duplicate what the “Gurus” are doing so the ones currently online have a long reign ahead.
I just hope that they come up with new material that helps others bottom lines rather than their own 😉
I try to find those that are unique and that I feel will turn a buck for others, but they are far and few inbetween and even some of those a sketchy on who’s actually making the majority of the money.
There is always a back link somewhere. Your best bet is to carbon copy what you see going on behind the scenes and duplicate it yourself. I think that may always be the case is you’re savvy enough.