I am taking a step back to a section of my blog I was maintaining up until about a year ago… affiliate fatblogging.
In late 2007 and early 2008, this was a regular installment where I would chronicle efforts to get healthier after so many years of being planted behind my desk for much of the day.
I suffer from the curse of many affiliate marketers, in that I lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle, and sometimes go days without leaving the house, because I am absorbed in a project.
Anyhow, last time I had a lot of success with my affiliate fatblogging efforts – eating better and exercising. But over time, I slipped back into old, bad habits and undid my progress.
I had been in denial about it until recently. I was checking out pictures on Facebook where I was tagged from Affiliate Summit West 2009, and I ended up untagging a bunch of shots that were unflattering to me.
Then I had a gut check, so to speak. I realized the reason those pictures were unflattering was that they camera captured angles I didn’t want to see. Damn cameras.
So, I’m back to the gym regularly, eating well, and drinking lots of water.
One geek tie in that excites me is an application on my iPod Touch that syncs with a little transmitter on my sneaker to track exercise with time, distance, pace and calories burned.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on elipticals and other machines at the gym, and it’s been below freezing and icy since I got on this kick. But, as soon as we get above freezing, I’ll be using this thing again and have the little widget on my blog to display the exercise progress.
Another effort I will revisit is to try and get into the Weight Watchers affiliate program on CJ. I am going by the WW system with my affiliate fatblogging and an advocate of what they are doing.
But they don’t seem to want me. I just checked and I’ve been rejected for the 4th time in two years.
Anybody else want to join in and do some affiliate fatblogging from their own blog? I’ll link out to anybody who is doing a similar effort.