Q: I have a multitude of keyword affiliate domains (i.e. bookaffiliates, sportswearaffiliates). Would I be better off developing these domains as niche directories for businesses looking for affiliates in these areas, or should I try to find buyers for the domains?
A: Neither option really falls into affiliate marketing, per se.
I would discourage you from developing these domains as directories, as I am guessing that with the multitude of domains, whether they be in the dozens or hundreds, you are not going to build real sites.
These directories will not serve any need, in my opinion.
I’d love for you to prove me wrong, but I am doubtful that you’d be willing to sustain even ten sites of this time for any period of time.
I think you’re better off trying to sell the domain names if there is a market for them.
Otherwise, the wisest move may be to never make a move. Just let them expire.
If you really love some of them, create authentic sites that solve a problem for people. Provide a unique value proposition with your sites – don’t look for the quick hit.